Quick Reference Cards
IROC Application Videos
Name | Description |
IROC Tokyo Release - Video | This video describes the steps needed to use the Data Management Tool (DMT) in the Tokyo update. |
Navigating Homepage Portal | This video explores the IROC portal home pages, improved architecture and functionality. Covered in this video are the following three main areas of the homepage: 1) Content Selectors, 2) Action Tiles, and 3) Main Work Area. (3-2021) |
IROC Reporting Application | This video explores the IROC Reporting application, which allows users to create, access, modify, and share predefined and customer reports (5-2021) |
Miscellaneous Information
Name | Description |
e-ISuite Access | Documents how to download information from IROC to e-ISuite |
Troubleshooting IROC Connectivity and Slowness Issues | |
Event Kind and Category Data Values International 2024 | |
Event Kind and Category Business Rules 2024 | |
IROC Data Entry Standards | Updated standard for entry of your data. |
IROC Catalog Updates 2022 | New updated catalog four letter codes. |
Memo for Catalog Updates |
Name | Description |
Tactical Aviation | Gives the user direction on filling a request using the Tactical Aviation Module. |
Name | Description |
Creating Compact Requests | Compact Requests can be created in IROC for state/local incidents in states that are members (https://affcompacts.org/). A Compact must be Active (Open) in order for requests to be identified as Compact Requests (see Managing Compact Organizations for more information). |
Managing Compact Organizations |
Name | Description |
Adding Resources to a Contract | As a dispatch manager, you may need to add resources to a contract. To do so, your active dispatch organization must be the managing dispatch of the contract or be designated as an organization managing resources dispatch for the contract. The resource must be attached to the contract before that resource can be dispatched. |
Disabling Rosters from Contract Screen | This guide describes a simple process for disabling a roster from the Contracts module, allowing you to add the resource to the contract. |
Entering a New Contract | Describes the process to enter new contracts into IROC. |
Creating Resources
Name | Description |
Creating a Resource | As a dispatch manager, you can create Aircraft, Crew, Equipment, Overhead, and Supply resources all from the IROC Portal. The process is largely the same for the creation of all resource types, but variations described here are important to note. Similar processes exist to create resources in IROC DMT, however this guide will focus on IROC Portal usage. |
Data Management Tool (DMT)
Name | Description |
Accessing Help in DMT | In IROC DMT, you can access the help screen to find a series of knowledge articles. Follow these steps to find information. |
Common Icon Action Buttons in DMT | Explains the buttons with graphics commonly used in the DMT. |
Complex Filters in DMT | Explains how to use filters to perform advanced searches. |
Creating Favorites in the DMT | Directions for applying a filter to a list in the DMT and how to save as a favorite for quick reference. |
Finding Overhead and Qualified and Trainee Resources in DMT | When you need to find who your qualified or trainee resources are by qualification with your dispatch center, your GACC, or nationally. You can filter to find this information in the IROC DMT Resource Qualifications module. |
IROC DMT View - Tokyo Release Highlights | This document will give you an overview of the new Tokyo DMT release |
Introduction to the DMT | Advanced IROC features are available in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT), which provides additional functionality and enhanced search, data entry, and customization features not available in IROC Portal. This article discusses the basic navigation features of DMT. |
Managing Organization Access Roles in DMT | Users who gain access to IROC will not have access to any IROC features until they are assigned roles. A dispatch manager at the user's dispatch must set that user's roles in IROC. This task is accomplished in the My Organization Access Roles module in IROC Data Management Tool (DMT). |
Working in the DMT - An Introduction | IROC uses lists to present actionable information in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT) main content area, allowing you to view and manage records. |
Working with lists in the DMT | This article provides helpful information for working with lists in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT), including how to sort, filter, and find the records you need |
Name | Description |
Adding a Location | Describes how you can add locations to existing Incidents and Requests in IROC, where appropriate. |
Assigning Preferred Jetports to Incidents in IROC Portal | Describes the process to manage Jetports for an Incident |
Changing the Incident Number | As a dispatcher, you may want to change the default incident number. You can change the incident number while creating the incident or while modifying incident details after the incident has been created. This document describes both options. |
Creating a New Incident in the Dispatch Portal | Describes how dispatchers can create a new incident in the dispatch portal of IROC |
Creating Request Blocks | Describes how within an IROC incident record, you can create and manage Request Blocks. |
Making the Financial Code the default code | Describes how to view and modify the financial code in an existing incident within IROC. |
Finding and Modifying Protecting Unit of an Incident | Describes how to see or modify the protecting unit of an incident. |
Finding Incident Contact Info - Portal | Describes how to find contact info in the Portal View. |
Incident Contacts | IROC incidents and requests use various contact records to document different people related to the incident or request. This document describes the available contact types and the various ways to add a contact to an incident. |
Maintaining and Creating Incident Contacts | IROC incidents and requests use various contact records to document different people related to the incident or request. This document describes the available contact types and the various ways to add a contact to an incident. |
Maintaining an Incident | This article describes how dispatchers maintain incidents in both list view and accordion view of the Incidents workspace. |
Requesting a Fire Code | Describes how to request a fire code to be associated with an incident with type = wildfire. This task can only be done in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT) for an incident within your current dispatch center that is created in IROC. |
Resolving Incident Conflicts | Describes the process to resolves conficts with incidents. |
Track Incident Resources | Dispatchers can quickly create ad hoc lists and reports showing resources assigned to incidents. The same list filtering instructions demonstrated here can apply to a variety of actionable lists within IROC Portal. |
Transferring an Incident | Describes how to transfer incidents created in IROC |
Maintaining Resources
Name | Description |
Activate/Deactivate a Resource | Gives direction on how to Activate or Deactivate a Resource |
Changing Resource Qualifications | As a dispatch manager, you can change the qualifications for a resource in IROC Data Management Tool. You can also add new qualifications, set a primary qualification, or delete a qualification for a resource. |
Managing Resource Qualifications | Describes how you can change the qualifications for a resource in IROC Data Management Tool. You can also add new qualifications, set a primary qualification, or delete a qualification for a resource as long as it's an IROC resource. |
Making Resources Active/Pushing to IRWIN Plus Business Rules for Resources by Catalog. | As a dispatch manager, you may come across resources for your organization that were imported from ROSS but are showing as inactive. These resources are missing an IRWIN ID because they are missing required information or certain required fields are filled in with inaccurate information. This document describes how to fix this issue. |
Setting Resource Availability, Available Area and Unavailability Periods | All dispatchers can view resource information and set resource status. This article describes how dispatchers can view and set availability, availability area, and unavailability within IROC. |
Transferring a Resource | This document describes how to transfer a resource whose system of record (SOR) is IROC. |
Updating Overhead Contact Info | An Overhead (person) Resource's information, such as Contacts, Organizations, and Qualifications, are input into the IROC application in one of three ways. This document will assist you in that process. |
Using the Resource Search Function | As an IROC user, you can use the Resource Search function to open the Resources screen, where you can view catalog resources; filter and search for specific resources, skills, and locations; and take action on resource records for your organization. |
Validating Duplicate Resources | As a dispatch manager, you may come across overhead resources for your organization that need validation due to possible duplication. Follow these steps to resolve the issue. |
Viewing Resource Status | As a dispatcher, a common task is to view the status of resources within your dispatch center. This document explains how to do that. |
Name | Description |
Maintaining Organization Contacts | IROC data related to organization contacts is managed in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT). As a dispatch manager, you may need to manage the information for a contact in one of your organizations. This document will show you how. |
Name | Description |
Accessing Help in the Portal | In IROC Portal, you can access the help screen to find a series of knowledge articles. Follow these steps to find information. |
Portal User Interface Icons | Describes common features and commands are represented by icons in the IROC portal |
Structure of the IROC Portal | From the IROC Portal homepage, you can view information, create and add incidents, and make requests and assignments for resources. The homepage is designed with five primary functional areas. This document describes those areas. |
Navigating the IROC Portal Homepage | Shows the new Portal Navigation Homepage and how to use the new updated tiles, filters and different screens available to the user. |
Name | Description |
Accessing ROSS Legacy Reports | Describes how to access ROSS Legacy Reports. |
Ad Hoc Incident Resource Reporting | Dispatchers can quickly create ad hoc lists and reports showing resources assigned to incidents. The same list filtering instructions demonstrated here can apply to a variety of actionable lists within IROC Portal. |
IROC Reporting Application | Gives information about Reporting tool in the IROC Data Management Tool (DMT) that allows users to create, access, modify, and distribute predefined and custom reports. |
IROC Basic Reports Tip Sheet | Describes how to put together a basic report in IROC |
IROC-ROSS Legacy DCAT Reports Tip Sheet | Provides information for IROC and ROSS Legacy Dispatch Cost Analysis Tool (DCAT) reports to assist centers with their DCAT process. |
Viewing and Creating Dashboards | Describes the process to create a dashboard |
Name | Description |
Assigning Prepo-to-prepo requests | This explains how to re-assign resources from a prepo order to another prepo order. |
Creating a Request | Requests are orders for resources needed on an incident. An incident can have many requests. In IROC, requested items are organized into five catalogs: Aircraft, Crew, Equipment, Overhead, and Supplies. As a dispatcher, you can create a request for an incident supported by your dispatch center. |
Creating an NFES Supply Request | As a dispatcher, you can create requests for NFES supply items through the IROC's New Request function. |
Cancelling a Fill Request | As a dispatcher, if you get to your Fill tab and it shows no available resources, this may be because you started the Fill With process but then navigated away from the Fill With tab. Follow these steps to troubleshoot. |
Cancelling the Release of a Resource | As a dispatcher, you may need to cancel the release of a resource from an incident. |
Claiming and Retrieving Multiple Requests | As a dispatcher, you can claim and retrieve multiple requests at once in the Request Status and the Pending Requests list view workspace, respectively. |
Converting Requests to Support Requests | As a dispatcher, you can convert an existing request to a Support Request in IROC Portal, associating the request with a parent request. |
Filling a Configuration Request with a Single Resource | This document describes how to start a new assignment roster from scratch so you can add the roster positions and identify the resources for each based on your needs. |
Filling a Request | In IROC, most pending request actions take place on the Manage Request screen. |
Generating Resource Order Forms | IROC allows dispatchers to generate resource order forms from a variety of screens. |
Linking Subordinate Resource Travel | A dispatcher can easily copy Mob and Demob travel from parent requests to subordinate requests using action buttons in the Travel tab on the Manage Request screen. The travel options for the parent will be linked to its subordinate requests, and any changes will be reflected on the child requests. |
Monitoring Status of NFES Request | The status of an NFES supply request placed to cache can be found in the ICBS Status Message in the Info tab of the Manage Request screen and in the Request Status list view and accordion view screens. Information related to NFES supplies will not be found in the IROC Resources Catalog. |
Placing NFES Supply Requests to Cache | As a dispatcher, you may need to place NFES supply requests directly to cache. Whenever possible, place NFES supply requests to cache in bulk from the Pending Requests list view. If necessary, you can place single items to the cache from either the Pending Requests list view or the Manage Request screen. |
Reassigning Resources Behavior | This article discusses various impacts to requests, based on changes made to the parent request. |
Releasing a Resource in the request status and Manage Request Screens | As a dispatcher, you may need to release resources from an incident. You can do this for incident resources that are at incident, available or unavailable on prepo. You can release resources when working in the Request Status list view or from the Manage Request screen. This document describes how to do that. |
Releasing Non Local Resources | This article describes how dispatchers can release their dispatch center's overhead resources even if those resources are not assigned to a local incident. IMPORTANT: This method should be used as a last resort or in emergency situations. In all other instances, the incident dispatch center should be contacted and asked to release these resources from their incident. |
Retreiving an NFES Supply Request Placed to the Cache | As a dispatcher, you may need to retrieve a pending NFES supply request sent to cache. This function essentially brings back the request from the cache. You can only retrieve an ICBS request for your organization, and your organization must be in the ordering chain for that request. |
Unfilling a Request in the Dispatch Portal | This guide describes how to unfill a request in the dispatch portal |
Viewing Request Status | Request status is the state of requests that have been created or placed to your dispatch center. It can be used to determine the status of an individual request or to provide information on groups of requests for briefings or shift changes. |
Name | Description |
Creating and Managing Rosters | This guide describes how dispatchers can create and maintain rosters within IROC |
Disabling Rosters from Contract Screen | As a dispatch manager, you may need to add resources to a contract in IROC DMT. If a resource is on or has a roster, you cannot add it to a contract. This guide describes a simple process for disabling a roster from the Contracts module, allowing you to add the resource to the contract. |
Fill with a Nested Roster | , Nested rosters, such as those found on strike teams, are built using the same procedure used to build the roster on the parent.See any of the Filling a Configuration Request Quick Reference Cards available on IROC's Knowledge Base or the IROC FAM-IT site. |
Filling a Configuration Request with a single Resource | This describes how to fill a request with a single resource. |
Filling a Configuration Request from Scratch Using an Assignment Roster | This describes how to fill a request from scratch using an Assignment Roster |
Filling a Request with an Assignment Roster using a Configuration | An assignment roster is created when filling a request that has a configuration. That request is called the parent request. As a dispatcher, you work with the assignment roster to generate the subordinate requests for the parent request. |
Filling a Configuration Request with an Assignment Roster Using the Master Roster | This document describes how to fill a request with one of the resource's master rosters. |
Selection Area
Name | Description |
Creating a New Selection Area Affiliation | A dispatch manager with the role of selection area manager can create selection areas. Selection area managers can only create selection areas for their subordinate centers. Selection area affiliations are generally only managed by GACC and NICC organizations. |
Managing Order Authority in Selection Area Affiliations | IROC allows selection area managers to configure limitations on the items that can be requested via a selection area. These configuration limitations are referred to as ordering authority. This document explains how to create these. |
IROC Tip Sheets
Name | Description |
CWN Aircraft Rostering - Tip Sheet | Describes the process to roster CWN Aircraft in both the Portal and DMT |
Air Frequencies | Describes the process for adding frequencies throughout the order process. |
ICBS Tip Sheet for IROC Users | This is a combination of Frequently Ask Questions (FAQS) and tips for dispatchers on using the IROC/ICBS interface. |
Inactivate Resource and Hiding Overhead Qualifications | Describes the best way to make a resource inactive and how to hide overhead qualifications. (3-2021) |
Printing Resource Orders in the DMT | This gives instructions how to print Resource Orders using IROC Reports in the DMT when you have read only access (5-2021) |
Printing Resource Orders in Portal | This gives instructions how to print Resource Orders using the Portal (5-2021) |
Smokejumper/Rapeller IA Load Filling Tip Sheet | This Tip Sheet walks you step by step through how to fill loads of smokejumpers and rapellers. |